What is Tarot Reading?
What is Tarot Reading?
Tarot reading is a form of fortune telling which dates back to the 15th century. The reading is conducted by a skilled tarot reader using a pack of 78 tarot cards which they interpret through knowledge of the cards and intuition. A tarot reading can help you identify things which are happening in your life now and suggest the ways these may affect your future.
Why consult a tarot reader?
When you consult a tarot reader, they will be able to interpret the meaning of the cards. This will reveal the ways they fit into your life and how they relate to the other cards in the reading.
When you have a reading done by a skilled tarot reader, it will be individual to you. Each reading can be interpreted depending on the questions asked of your current situation. Many people find that the tarot cards speak directly to them. Each card describes an individual aspect of your life or current events. When a reader combines three or more cards, they work together to form a complete picture.
You will need the help of a skilled reader to understand how the cards influence each other. This will give you a more detailed interpretation of the reading. When a tarot reader explains what the cards mean, it can often help you understand your current emotional or mental situation. The cards can direct you towards the action you need to take or things that you need to avoid.
Ready to find out more?
Do you want to consult the tarot to find answers to your question?
Do you need help finding the right path in life?
A tarot reading can help you to focus on the future and address the issues of the present so that you can move towards a more fulfilled life.
Types of Tarot Readings
You do not need to be a particularly spiritual or mystic person to benefit from a tarot reading. Translating the cards can help you discover things about yourself and interpret your current situations in a new way.
The type of reading that you request will determine the type of answers that you get from the cards. The two main types of tarot readings are question readings and open readings.
Question readings
When you ask a question, you need to approach the reading with an open mind. If you have already decided on the answer, the information from the cards will not be able to guide you.
The tarot should be used as a guide to help you to make decisions. You should not expect the tarot cards to give you a yes or no answer to a question. You should also not expect the cards to make a decision for you. A tarot reading will offer a view of the question and offer interpretations of the options available to you.
Before asking a question you will need to have an open mind. You will also need to ask the right type of question. If you want to know when a specific event will happen, you may have been better asking how do I manage better with my current situation.
Remember to be specific in your question but not too detailed. If you ask a question that is too broad, it can be difficult to use the cards to focus in on the question. If it is too detailed, you will fail to see the bigger picture. Instead, give the minimum amount of detail required to get the guidance that you need.
When asking a question, remember that the reading is for you. You should not try to focus your question on the motives of someone else even if you feel as though they are the cause of your problems. Instead, find a question that asks how you can better interact and play a role in the other person’s life.
Your questions will need to be presented in a neutral way. When you ask a question, you will need to be aware that your preconceived idea of a situation may not be the right one. If you have decided that someone is doing something wrong to you, try to be aware that this is your assumption. Instead of asking why someone is being bad to you, a neutral question will be how can I help this person become more considerate.
Make sure that your question is asked in a positive and not in a negative way. This means that you ask how you can help make an event happen rather than ask why has it not happened to you yet.
Open readings
An open reading will cover more general aspects of your life. Whether you are getting married, graduating from university or starting a new family, the reading can offer a general overview of this new phase in your life.
You may wish to direct the reading towards a major event or decision. For example, you may wish to apply the reading towards your health or career. The open reading does not get more specific than this.
Ready to find out more?
Do you want to consult the tarot to find answers to your question?
Do you need help finding the right path in life?
A tarot reading can help you to focus on the future and address the issues of the present so that you can move towards a more fulfilled life.
How to find a tarot card reader
If you feel a connection to the tarot cards and the help that they can offer you, you will want to consult them often. Most people who have their tarot cards read, do so at least one for every season of the year. This helps you to get an up-to-date perception on the choices available to you.
Finding a tarot reader that you feel a psychic connection with will help you to reveal more spiritual information. You will be able to make a closer connection with the cards and understand how they relate to your life.
A skilled tarot reader will act as an interpreter of the cards to help you find the way in which they speak to you and your life. The order that the cards are dealt will help the tarot reader assess whether the card is offering advice, describing your past, showing the future or defining external forces affecting you.
There are many tarot reading courses available which offers qualifications to tarot readers. However, learning the tarot is about experience, a spiritual connection to the cards and a natural intuition.
You may wish to choose your tarot reader on a certification such as :
Tarot Association of the British Isles
The certificate shows that the reader has passed standardised testing and has a broad knowledge of the cards.
However, remember that the meanings of the tarot are not fixed to a single definition. Many of the most experienced and intuitive tarot readers have developed their own interpretation of the cards which work for them and their clients.
If you visit a tarot reader and you gain an insight into your life, it means more than the qualifications of the tarot reader. So, choose your tarot reader based on a spiritual connection that you have with the reader. Sometimes the psychic energy of a tarot reader will make more of a connection with you on a personal level.
When you get a valuable result from a tarot reading, this means that you have found a tarot reader that is right for you. As with all decisions in life, you should trust your instincts.
Ready to find out more?
Do you want to consult the tarot to find answers to your question?
Do you need help finding the right path in life?
A tarot reading can help you to focus on the future and address the issues of the present so that you can move towards a more fulfilled life.
How does the tarot work?
The tarot works on a personal level which is individual to each reader and each person receiving the reading. Depending on the spiritual, ethical and personal life perspective, the tarot will mean something unique to you.
Some readers believe the tarot to be an accurate predictor of future events. People who wish to predict future events use the tarot to harness psychic energy and assist with their psychic understanding.
Other readers use the tarot as a way of unlocking the subconscious mind. This allows a reader to help make someone more aware of the thoughts and feelings that they may not have recognised fully. A tarot reader will use the symbolism of the cards to interpret the hidden depths of the mind.
You can also approach the tarot with an open mind and allow the cards to speak through the reader to your own individual beliefs. The tarot works to help you find the right answer for you. You can begin to develop your own personal relationship with the cards and what they mean for you. This way it is a tool for enhancing your own spiritual and mental powers.
There are two types of cards used in the tarot deck, the Minor Arcana and the Major Arcana.
Minor Arcana
The minor arcana are made up from four suits. Each suit represents a specific approach to life. The four suits are:
- Wands or rods (Creativity, Action, Passion)
- Swords (Thought, Challenge, Observation)
- Cups (Love, Emotion, Empathy)
- Circles or pentacles (Health, Wealth, Physical)
There are 10 number cards in each suit and four court cards. The court cards are comprised of the king, queen, knight and page.
Major Arcana
There are 22 major arcana cards, each of which is symbolic of an idea, concept or principal. These are numbered 1 to 21 with the Fool being zero. Each of the major arcana cards represent an event in your life or a strong energy with long term consequences.
Further reading on how the tarot cards work:
Ready to find out more?
Do you want to consult the tarot to find answers to your question?
Do you need help finding the right path in life?
A tarot reading can help you to focus on the future and address the issues of the present so that you can move towards a more fulfilled life.
The Tarot Spread
The cards can be shuffled by the tarot reader or by the person receiving the reading while they concentrate on a question that they need guidance for. It is believed that by shuffling the cards, you can transfer your energy into the deck to enhance the results.
The cards are then laid out on the table as a spread. There are various types of spreads that a reader can use. This usually depends on the type of guidance required by the person who is having their tarot read.
The position of each card in the spread is relevant and adds an extra dimension to the reading. Depending on your question or the amount of information you require, your tarot reader may recommend one of the following spreads:
- Three Card Spread = Past / Present / Future
- Five Card Spread = Past / Present / Future / Your Question / Potential
- The Ellipse Spread = A Seven Card Spread; Past / Present / Future /what To Do / External Influences / Hopes And Fears / Final Outcome
- The Celtic Cross = A Ten Card Spread ; The Present / The Immediate Challenge / Distant Past / Recent Past / The Best That Can Be Achieved/ Immediate Future / Factors Or Inner Feelings / External Influences /hopes Or Fears / Final Outcome
- The Mirror Spread = An Eight Card Spread
- The Mandala Spread = A Nine Card Spread; An Overview Of The Self/ Ambitions / Ideals / Real Achievements / Faulty Beliefs / Strengths / Faults / Self Perception / Desires
- The Relationship Spread = A Ten Card Spread ; Distant Past / Recent Past /present / Future Influences / External Influences / Attitude /helpful Energies/ Obstacles To Overcome / Hope And Fears / Final Result
The most basic reading is a one card or three card spread. These offer broad non-specific readings but are quicker and easier to digest. A larger spread will give more in-depth detail about your life, your future and your choices available.
Further reading on spreads:
Ready to find out more?
Do you want to consult the tarot to find answers to your question?
Do you need help finding the right path in life?
A tarot reading can help you to focus on the future and address the issues of the present so that you can move towards a more fulfilled life.
History And Origins Of Tarot
The picture cards used in the tarot were originally designed as part of a trump game played throughout Europe in the 15th century. It was only in the 18th century that people began to associate the tarot with spiritualism and divination.
Tarot card designs soon began to be produced specifically for occult purposed. The first of these occult decks was the Etteilla tarot. This contained symbolism and themes that observed customs of ancient Egypt. It was commonly believed at the time that the tarot originated from the Book of Thoth, a collection of ancient Egyptian texts.
What do I need to know about the history of the tarot?
To read the tarot or to get the benefits of a tarot reading you do not need to know the history of the tarot cards. All that is required is an understanding of how it works and that it is a tool used for divination. But understanding the origins of the tarot can help you develop a deeper relationship with the cards.
Reading into the myths and history of the tarot will give you a better understanding of the tarot and will improve the quality of the readings.
As with all things that we know, a deeper knowledge can give the content a foundation and stability. When reading the tarot most readers use a combination of knowledge and intuition. Having the background information can add to the richness, character and charm of the tarot.
Because the tarot cards were not originally created without any connection to a magical or religious beliefs, it gives the reader the freedom to adapt it as they feel right.
Ready to find out more?
Do you want to consult the tarot to find answers to your question?
Do you need help finding the right path in life?
A tarot reading can help you to focus on the future and address the issues of the present so that you can move towards a more fulfilled life.
What To Expect From A Tarot Reading
If you have never been for a tarot reading before you may be unsure of what to expect. There are many images of tarot readers in popular culture which can sensationalise the profession.
Your tarot reader is more interested in treating you with respect than making you feel nervous. The movies often show tarot readers cowering over the cards making spooky announcements to the person receiving the reading. Rather than an imposing figure surrounded in mystery, you are more likely to be greeted by someone who is friendly and hospitable. Your tarot reader will do all that they can to make you feel welcome and comfortable.
Your Information is Confidential:
You should feel confident in disclosing personal information with a tarot reader. Your reader is here to help guide you and help you find a meaning from the cards. Everything that you tell a tarot reader will be in complete confidence.
Help and Advice:
During the reading, the cards will suggest paths that your life can follow. With the help of the tarot reader, you can come up with a strategy to overcome a problem or obstacle that you are dealing with.
The method of conducting a card reading will be different for each tarot reader. If you are new to the tarot, your reader will explain how they use the card and what they can do for you. If you have any questions your reader will be happy to answer them.
Predicting the future:
Following the reading, you should feel satisfied that your questions have been attended to. You will have received a positive suggestion for how to deal with your future. Remember you are in control of your life, the cards offer possibilities and ways in which you can help yourself. It is up to you to use the information from your reading to improve your future.
Do not expect the tarot cards to show you a defined and unchanging future. All future events can be improved or can change direction. Circumstances and personal choice will shape your destiny. The tarot can only offer an interpretation of where your life is currently heading.
Ignore stereotypes:
Unfortunately, the art of tarot reading is surrounded by stereotypes which may put some people off. Hopefully, you will now feel more at ease attending your tarot reading. Your reader is there to offer help and guidance, not to judge you or trick you with mind reading or magic.
Ready to find out more?
Do you want to consult the tarot to find answers to your question?
Do you need help finding the right path in life?
A tarot reading can help you to focus on the future and address the issues of the present so that you can move towards a more fulfilled life.
Do Tarot Readings Really Work?
When applied correctly, the tarot does work. It can help provide significant guidance and help in your life. They offer the chance to think creatively about your concerns and find unique solutions.
The question, ‘Do tarot readings really work’, depends on what you want to get out of them.
The term Synchronicity was first used by Carl Jung in the 1920s. This describes the phenomenon of events which appear unrelated but have a causal connection. In this way, the cards are a reflection of the client’s unconscious mind.
Synchronicity is Jung’s way of describing the guiding forces in the universe. There is also a possibility that quantum mechanics may offer a description of the causes of synchronicity. Quantum mechanics has shown a strong interconnectivity between physical objects.
Subconscious Projecting
The tarot can be used as a tool to unlock the emotions and questions locked within the subconscious. The symbolism and imagery of the cards work in the same way that dreams do. They offer a connection with inaccessible thoughts.
From this point of view, the people receiving the reading will interpret the tarot cards in a personal way. They will be able to shape the meanings to relate to factors in their life and the way in which they view the world.
Your own life questions will become projected onto the image of the card. This way, the imagery of the tarot can help you explore the things that you are dealing with and find a relationship with them. The cards can help tap into the subconscious and find answers which would never have otherwise come to light.
Open Mind
Whether or not you believe that the tarot have the power or are instruments of the subconscious, they can be helpful in solving the questions of your life. If you are able to approach the cards with an open mind, you can allow the cards to offer meanings that are relevant to you.
There are many differing interpretations amongst tarot readers about how the cards work. But from the experience of people who use the tarot, they do offer useful information which can guide us through our lives.
The tarot, for many, works as a way to connect to our inner guide. Once we have made that connection with our subconscious abilities, it can become strengthened and used to make it easier to overcome difficulties in our life.
Read more about does the tarot work:
Ready to find out more?
Do you want to consult the tarot to find answers to your question?
Do you need help finding the right path in life?
A tarot reading can help you to focus on the future and address the issues of the present so that you can move towards a more fulfilled life.
Which Tarot Cards Should I Choose?
Once you have decided to study the tarot, you will need to find a deck of cards that you can identify with. Each tarot deck is unique in the way that they are illustrated and communicate with the reader.
There is no standard number of cards for a tarot deck and the symbolism may vary, but they will retain the same meanings. You should look for a set of cards that offers an intuitive connection to you. This is personal to each individual reader.
- Which do you find the most visually appealing?
- Are you drawn to one set over another?
- What is your initial reaction to the cards?
As a beginner, the most common deck is the Rider-Waite deck. This offers easy to understand imagery and there is a lot of resources available to guide you through each card. This is the most common deck in the United States. It was created in 1909 by A.E. Waite who was a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
As you progress through your tarot learning, you may choose cards with more advanced symbolism such as the Thoth Tarot deck. These cards were designed by the instructions from Aleister Crowley. These include imagery from philosophy, the occult and other disciplines.
Other common tarot card decks include:
- Wild Unknown deck
- Rider Waite
- Fairy Tarot Cards
- Radiant Rider Waite
- Tarot de Marseilles
- Rider Waite
- Thoth Tarot deck
- Shadowscapes Tarot
- Visconti Tarot
- Original Rider Waite Tarot
- Fountain Tarot
- Starchild Tarot
- Giant Rider-Waite Tarot Deck
- Miniature Rider Waite Tarot Deck
- Osho Zen Tarot
- Mythical Goddess Tarot
- Goddess Tarot
- Druid Craft Tarot Deck
Read more about choosing a tarot card deck:
Ready to find out more?
Do you want to consult the tarot to find answers to your question?
Do you need help finding the right path in life?
A tarot reading can help you to focus on the future and address the issues of the present so that you can move towards a more fulfilled life.