The Major Arcana

Reading The Tarot Cards: Meanings Of The Major Arcana


Meanings Of The Major Arcana: The major arcana are the 22 picture cards in most tarot card decks. Each card has specific imagery and meanings to provide information for a tarot reading. These work alongside the other 56 minor arcana cards which are divided into four suits. As you get to understand the tarot, these major arcana cards will feature prominently in your readings.

Known as the trump cards, the major arcana represent types of forces or important events in your life. Sometimes a major arcana card will directly represent a person who is significant in your life.

Some tarot readers will use only the major arcana cards for simple readings which require a more direct response. Adding the minor arcana to a reading make the information more in-depth and complex which may not always be required.

For a tarot reader or for people familiar with having their tarot read, the cards in the major arcana develop individual personalities.

Each card has a strong character which is unique to all the other cards. When a major arcana is placed in a reading, it makes a big impact on the overall information provided.

Whenever a card from the major arcana appears in a reading, it is an indication that there is a big event happening in your life. For this reason, the major arcana are usually the first cards that a tarot reader will learn and become familiar with.

A tarot reader will learn the meaning of the card and the way in which it can relate to the overall story of the reading. But along with the main imagery of the card are subtle symbols which can inform the reading in more detail.

Below is a description of the meanings of each of the 22 cards in the major arcana:

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The Fool

0 The Fool

The fool represents a youthful individual starting out on a journey. The fool is full of youthful optimism and engages on the adventure without the forethought or knowledge of age and wisdom.

This can identify a new beginning in your life. The fool is the excitement, anticipation and self-belief that youth provides. By blindly setting out on a voyage of discovery, the fool is willing to make a fresh start without considering the possible dangers that it may entail.

The fool is associated with innocence, new beginnings and simplicity. A fool card can describe a fresh start and blind faith in reaching the objectives. Where a more practical person may think twice, the fool is prepared to follow their dreams.

The questions raised by the fool include:

  • Am I prepared to follow my dreams?
  • Do I work mostly at my major passions?
  • How would a fool approach this situation?
  • Are my values based on my beliefs or what is expected of me?
  • Am I too practical or do I seek adventure?
  • What is my overall outlook on life?

The Fool Represents these key ideas:

  • Blind Faith
  • Innocence
  • Fresh Start
  • Simplicity
  • Beginning


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22 Cards in the Major Arcana.


1 The Magician

The magician is a powerful person or force that makes things happen. The Magician card questions our ability to utilise all of the resources available to us. Are we doing all that we can within our power.

The power of the magician card represents the power we have over our conscious mind and over external factors. Once we are in control of our mind and the situation around us, we can better control our lives.

The Magician card reminds us that despite the situation, we still have the power to make a difference. We all have unlimited potential which may not be harnessed correctly. Once we have developed the ability to obtain our full potential, we can make a change to the current circumstances.

The questions to consider when reading the Magician card include:

  • Do I understand my own powers?
  • Am I utilising my full potential?
  • Do I act as if I am a victim?
  • Do I use my power for good or do I abuse it?
  • Am I applying my abilities to create the most benefit and effectiveness?
  • Can I take action to move in a more positive direction?
  • How do I tap into the resources available to me?

The Magician Represents these key ideas:

  • Power
  • Application
  • Awareness
  • Action
  • Resourcefulness


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22 Cards in the Major Arcana.


2 The High Priestess


The priestess symbolises ancient knowledge and understanding. The knowledge of the priestess is instinctual. She understands the movement of nature, is connected with her spirituality and matters of the mind.

The priestess represents elements of nature, religion, philosophy and science in our lives. She is able to communicate with all of these forms of understanding and see the connections between them.

We use the priestess card to become aware of the power of these unseen forces. We need to be aware that these forces are bigger than us and we should learn how to harness them. Using these greater powers of knowledge is a great responsibility so we must be aware of the ways that we deploy them.

The questions to consider when reading The High Priestess card include:

  • Do I pay attention to my inner voice?
  • Are there secrets being kept from me?
  • Have I made a connection with my higher power?
  • Am I keeping secrets from others?
  • Can I understand my purpose in life clearer?
  • Can I take action to move in a more positive direction?

The High Priestess represents these key ideas:

  • Knowledge
  • Influence
  • Oracle
  • Secretivity
  • Psychic


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3 The Empress


The Empress offers the elements of motherhood to the tarot. These include the observation of nurturing, love and pleasure. This can translate to abundance and growth in your life.

The Empress card has strong associations with motherhood. This can be related to your own mother or a message to you as a mother. The card may also suggest that you or someone close is going to become a mother soon.

As the Empress is usually shown as being pregnant, this can mean opportunity. You can read from the card that the area in your life that you are considering is full of promise. As with pregnancy, there may be a period of waiting before the new change becomes apparent.

The Empress card is thought of in connection with Venus. This means that the Empress offers an expression of pleasure, art, beauty and love. If the Empress card appears in your reading, it shows that your artistic endeavours are going to be fulfilled. It also asks whether you are pursuing the activities that are close to your heart.

The questions to consider when reading The Empress card include:

  • Should I be nurturing myself more?
  • How do I connect to mother nature?
  • Am I seeking to achieve my desires?
  • What does motherhood mean to me?
  • Is love playing a role in my life?

The Empress represents these key ideas:

  • Fertility
  • Creativity
  • Femininity
  • Protection
  • Assurance
  • Abundance
  • Promise


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4 The Emperor


The Emperor represents the Father. The card is associated with authority, wisdom, grounding and advice. The Emperor is a ruler of people who has a vast wisdom through life experience.

Because of his years of experience, the Emperor may be sceptical. He does not get swayed by his fancy or heard mentality. He is able to see through deception and disguise. This makes him the best authority for grounded wisdom and advice.

In a reading, the Emperor suggests a secure grounding for strategic plans, and new enterprises. It suggests that we consider our allegiances and partners. We should be careful of the facts and use this to create a solid foundation to any venture.

Whatever our circumstances, the Emperor reminds us that we are the master of our own life. We should consult our inner strength and motivations to become a better leader.

The questions to consider when reading The Emperor card include:

  • Do I lead by good example?
  • What is the nature of my leadership?
  • Am I too impractical and inflexible?
  • Should I look for advice on the subject?
  • Are there other resources that will improve my leadership?
  • Am I adopting a realistic strategy?

The Emperor represents these key ideas:

  • Authority
  • Masculinity
  • Practicality
  • Strategy
  • Leadership


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22 Cards in the Major Arcana.


5 The Hierophant


The Hierophant is a source of religious knowledge. As a disciple dedicated to a religious belief system, he is a symbol of conformity and tradition.

The Hierophant differs from the High Priestess who is also a holder of spiritual and specialist knowledge. The High Priestess holds this knowledge for personal growth while the Hierophant is displaying his learning as a symbol of authority to others.

As a religious icon, the Hierophant has a position of responsibility. His guidance and instruction offers a bridge between man and God. His knowledge and specialised wisdom offer a connection to our own system of beliefs.

The Hierophant card provides the chance to explore our own beliefs and convictions. We should ask ourselves how these beliefs affect our lives and how we operate with them.

The questions to consider when reading The Hierophant card include:

  • Are my beliefs having a positive or negative effect?
  • Should I consider religious work?
  • Should I examine my spiritual beliefs?
  • Who is the authority in my spiritual beliefs?
  • Am I able to guide others with spiritual advice?

The Hierophant represents these key ideas:

  • Tradition
  • Conformity
  • Law
  • Holyness
  • Respect
  • Knowledge
  • Ceremony


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22 Cards in the Major Arcana.


6 The Lovers


The Lovers tarot card represent all aspects of romantic love. A lovers card will signify aspects of love, passion, sex and arousal in your life. This may mean that you are contemplating a new romance or if you are feeling a strong attraction to someone. It may also mean that you are involved in more than one passionate relationship.

The Lovers card reminds us that passion in a relationship needs to be balanced with the foundation of trust and respect. Entering a new relationship is a commitment which involves give and take.

Healthy relationships require both persons involved to be aware of their responsibilities. This means offering devotion, commitment, respect and trust. We must accept that true love requires accepting a whole package which is more than the strong passions which originally consume us.

The questions to consider when reading The Lovers card include:

  • Do you feel confident trusting others?
  • What are your feelings about your relationship?
  • Are you honest within your relationship?
  • Do I need to re-examine my relationships?
  • Do I allow myself to be vulnerable or do I feel defensive?
  • Am I ready for a passionate, trusting, loving relationship?

The Lovers represents these key ideas:

  • Love
  • Sex
  • Trust
  • Passion
  • Union
  • Health
  • Vulnerability
  • Communication
  • Temptation


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7 The Chariot


Riding a chariot is a difficult undertaking. It requires skill, stamina and determination. The chariot rider must be completely focused on what he is doing or he could be flung from the vehicle.

The Chariot card can represent a warrior riding into battle with a plan of attack. The only thing which can prevent him from victory is a lack of skill, focus or balance.

The speed and energy of the chariot as a mode of transport makes it a task which only the strongest of character would attempt. This may resemble a task which needs to be completed or a goal which you are looking to achieve.

If you are striving for success, The Chariot card may be speaking to you. You may be aiming too high or you may not be pushing yourself hard enough. The Chariot represents the skills and motivation required to win your battle despite the pressures that are fighting against you.

The questions to consider when reading The Chariot card include:

  • What motivates you?
  • Are your goals realistic?
  • Is there something that you are trying to control?
  • What are the skills required for your success?
  • Is there a better way that you can achieve your goals?
  • Would you be able to manage a new change of direction?

The Chariot represents these key ideas:

  • Skill
  • Control
  • Motion
  • Balance
  • Action
  • Physicality
  • Focused
  • Driven
  • Tact


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22 Cards in the Major Arcana.


8 Strength


The Strength card makes us consider our strength to deal with the obstacles in our life. This does not represent a simple physical strength but an inner strength too.

Difficulties and stressful situations may require compassion and love to be overcome as much as grit and determination. As the lion is subdued by the young woman, the best way to restrain a problem can be by using positive attributes of patience, understanding and cunning.

Not only do we require strength and courage to overcome problems that we find in the world, but also the beast within. The lion can represent the inner negativity which craves to be fed. This can be an addiction to wealth, alcohol, drugs or food.

It may also be a need for attention or recognition which needs to be held back.

We require strength to face the challenges ahead. This strength is available within us all, if we can harness it. It may also show that the key to overcoming the bad parts within us is by nurturing our self-love.

The questions to consider when reading the Strength card include:

  • What does strength mean to you?
  • Do you let your physical urges motivate you?
  • Can you overcome the inner voice of negativity?
  • Are you showing enough compassion and love for yourself?
  • Are you trying to overcome internal battles?
  • Are there areas in your life which require more strength?

Strength represents these key ideas:

  • Strength
  • Courage
  • Balance
  • Compassion
  • Patience
  • Understanding


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Reading The Tarot Cards: Meanings Of The Major Arcana.

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22 Cards in the Major Arcana.


9 The Hermit


The Hermit is a person who lives outside of common society. He will make decisions based on his own instinct and each act is thought about independently of others. In this way the influence of the world that surrounds the Hermit has little or no impact on how he lives his life.

By distancing himself from the everyday, normal routines, he is able to listen to his inner instructions. From this vantage point, the Hermit can stay in touch with his own intuition and act accordingly.

The quest of learning is all that concerns the hermit. He may be misunderstood and thought of in a negative way by others. These opinions of those around him are of lesser concern than his journey towards higher wisdom and spiritual learning.

The Hermit card suggests that we may need to take some time to reflect on our current lives. You may need to meditate or contemplate for a while before moving forward.

The questions to consider when reading The Hermit card include:

  • Do you stop and take time to just Be?
  • Can you be still? If not, what prevents you?
  • Do you have a strong awareness of this moment?
  • Are you getting adequate guidance for your current path?
  • Do you still find your current path as meaningful as when you began?
  • Do you need to stop and take time away from the stress of life?

The Hermit represents these key ideas:

  • Solitude
  • Wisdom
  • Searching
  • Observation
  • Humility
  • Detachment
  • Deliberate


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22 Cards in the Major Arcana.

Wheel of Fortune

10 Wheel of Fortune


The Wheel of Fortune offers suggestions that relate to the aspects of our lives that are out of our control. This includes unexpected surprises, new encounters, a grand inheritance or simply bad luck.

We can try to take responsibility for our lives as much as possible to steer it towards our goals. This is the most effective way of achieving what we desire.

However, sometimes things can happen without good reason.

Usually, when the Wheel of Fortune card appears in a reading it can be an indicator of something positive yet unexpected happening. This can be a major change in our personal lives or a job promotion which we had no expectation of.

Alongside these happy accidents of destiny, there is a chance that Wheel of Fortune may be showing something unfortunate that is about to happen. The way we interpret whether an event is good or bad will depend on our personal philosophy.

However destructive a new situation may be, there is always the chance to transform it into something positive. Sometimes when we end a relationship or loose a high paying job, we can be in a position to grab a new opportunity to improve yourself.

The Wheel of Fortune also relates to the way in which our actions have an effect on those around us. Similar to the idea of Karma, the way that we treat others is reflected in the way that we are treated by others.

The questions to consider when reading The Wheel of Fortune card include:

  • Are you feeling lucky in life?
  • Are you able to deal with change?
  • How do you cope with changes in life?
  • Can you turn your idea of bad luck around?
  • Are you aware of how your thoughts and actions affect others?

The Wheel of Fortune represents these key ideas:

  • Luck
  • Change
  • Chance
  • Destiny
  • Consequence
  • Revolution


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22 Cards in the Major Arcana.


11 Justice


The Justice card holds us to account for all of our actions of the past. It also encourages us to think about how future endeavours should be examined. It describes the perfect balance of sober examination of events.

The key to the Justice card is to look at the facts. Only when we are truthful with ourselves can we evaluate our actions. From there we can help to work on the areas of ourselves which require improvement.

Justice is not judgemental nor does it require you to punish yourself for what you have done. It is a clear, rational look at the truth. When a Judgement card appears in a reading we need to assess our obligations and responsibilities.

The Justice card may also be related to a legal dispute or unresolved legal documentation which needs to be completed.

The questions to consider when reading the Justice card include:

  • Is my life balanced?
  • Am I honest with myself?
  • Do I take responsibility for my actions?
  • Have I neglected responsibilities or commitments?
  • Do I need to examine my life to find balance?

Justice represents these key ideas:

  • Justice
  • Balance
  • Truth
  • Equality
  • Accountability
  • Examination


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22 Cards in the Major Arcana.

Hanged Man

12 The Hanged Man


The Hanged Man imagery can resemble a form of torture or punishment, so it is sometimes seen in a negative way. But the figure that is hanged is pictured in a serene pose without expression.

Instead of focussing on struggle, the Hanged Man has resigned to his fate. He has surrendered his mind and body and accepted what is coming his way.

When the Hanged Man appears in a reading, it may describe events in our life where we are caught up in a struggle. This can be wrestling with difficult thoughts or over-complicating our situation.

We should sometimes step back from current events and submit to the consequences.

By letting events happen, our life may continue to flow easier. By continuing to fight forces beyond our control, we may be creating additional roadblocks that hold us back.

The theme of The Hanged Man is of sacrifice. We must consider the things that we should give up that do not benefit us or others around us. We should take a moment to get things into perspective and discover the habits and actions which hold us back. We may also need to sacrifice some of our own needs to benefit others.

The questions to consider when reading The Hanged Man card include:

  • Do I take time to relax from struggle?
  • Can I sacrifice my expectations?
  • Is there a problem which I am struggling with?
  • Are there any habits that I can give up to improve my life?
  • Are there any beliefs or thoughts that I should give up to help me to progress?
  • Am I trying to control too much in my life?

The Hanged Man represents these key ideas:

  • Sacrifice
  • Surrender
  • Suspend
  • Submission
  • Non-Action
  • In-Between
  • Yield


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13 Death


The Death card signals a major shift in life. It is the end of one era and the beginning of a new period in our lives. Thankfully it does not mean that our lives are about to end as many people fear when they see it. It is simply the conclusion of one area or a monumental change in circumstances.

Sometimes we find ourselves in a situation which drags on for much longer than it should. A clean break may be required so that you can move on with your life.

Remember that for every end, it signals the start of a new beginning.

Rather than thinking of the Death card as something ending, it is helpful to recognise it more as a symbol of change. Whatever our current position in life we can prepare for change. This may be related to a relationship, a career choice or the location where you live.

As with our lives, Death shows us that all things are transient. This means that our lives are never static but always in motion. A drastic change may be around the corner.

The questions to consider when reading the Death card include:

  • Are you able to cope with change?
  • Is there something that is due to change in your life?
  • Are you making a big decision? Should you wait before committing to it?

Death represents these key ideas:

  • New Beginnings
  • Change
  • End of an Era
  • Moving on
  • Decision
  • Motion


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14 Temperance


Temperance means seeking moderation and control in all our actions and affairs. Temperance is the card of sobriety and clear thinking. We must find the right balance in our spiritual and emotional lives to allow for stability and self-love.

The illustration on the Temperance card shows the figure dipping his toe into the water of a flowing river. This is symbolic of dipping into the subconscious. He is also mixing the contents of the cups to find the right balance.

If our lives become too imbalanced, it begins to flow away from us. Temperance allows us to connect to the flow of our lives by using moderation.

If you have been experiencing a spiritual drought, Temperance may be reminding you to seek spiritual growth. This act helps us connect the flow of our lives to the source. This allows us to rejuvenate in the healing flow which moves through us.

The questions to consider when reading the Temperance card include:

  • Do you struggle with changes or can you go with the flow?
  • Are there ways that you can create balance in your life?
  • Are you unable to decide between two paths?
  • Are you able to harmonise your thoughts and beliefs?
  • Do you pay attention to your health and ways to keep it balanced?

Temperance represents these key ideas:

  • Moderation
  • Balance
  • Connection
  • Chemistry
  • Fluidity
  • Healing
  • Blending
  • Merging


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22 Cards in the Major Arcana.


15 The Devil


We may become shocked when we see The Devil in our reading as it has many connotations that are entwined with our culture and popular beliefs. But The Devil card has a more intuitive meaning for a tarot reader.

The Devil represents our lower instincts. This is a strong signal that there are areas of our life that need to be addressed. This may be related to the overpowering nature of the ego or that we have become enslaved by something unhealthy.

With an open mind, we can view the natural world and search for signs of the devil. We can find no evidence of selfishness, tyranny or addiction amongst the animals or plant life. So why does the idea of the devil only effect humans? This may be a result of our ability to think creatively. Alongside this talent comes the negativity of the ego.

The ego is the voice inside us which continues to make us feel uncomfortable in our own skins. It demands affection and reward from consumption of commodities or stimulants. When we listen to our ego we feel superior to others for no good reason. We allow our ego to demand that we seek pleasure by external stimuli.

Whether you need to buy a top of the range car to feel respected by your peers or you put others down to make yourself feel more important, you are a slave to the ego. On the other hand, drugs, alcohol and food may be demanded by the ego as a device to offer comfort. In all these situations, you are chaining yourself to the trap of the ego.

We should all be aware of the illusion of pleasure that the ego offers. We need to remember that we are all able to achieve greatness. We need to ignore the voice which declares that obtaining external love and acceptance is the desire of a fulfilled self.

The questions to consider when reading The Devil card include:

  • Do I feed my addictions?
  • Am I letting my ego control my life?
  • Do I seek assurance and acceptance from others?
  • Are there persistent thoughts which occupy me?
  • Am I always seeking more? When have I got enough?
  • Can I raise myself above the lower levels of thinking?

The Devil represents these key ideas:

  • Ego
  • Addiction
  • Illusion
  • Enslavement
  • Loss
  • Error
  • Disruption


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22 Cards in the Major Arcana.


16 The Tower


When we see The Tower in a tarot reading it symbolises change. This is especially descriptive of change that happens suddenly and which may not be pleasant. When a change occurs it usually happens gradually and allows us time to adjust to it.

But sudden extreme change is a drastic upheaval. This shakes us awake from what seems like our sublime existence.

Throughout our life, we become accustomed to a way of thinking and living which becomes inflexible and predictable. The Tower represents the sudden jolt that wakes us from this passive state.

We may be sat like the tower unaware of the storm brewing around us. In which case we should try to become aware of the change that is coming our way. We may be comfortable within this illusion of security. But we should open our minds to the troubles which may be about to turn our world upside down.

When change does occur it is important to take account of the lessons that we can learn from it. Losing control can be scary but we can prepare for the future changes and make it less dramatic and hurtful.

The questions to consider when reading The Tower card include:

  • Am I deluding myself?
  • Is my life built on unhealthy values?
  • Is there something about to happen which I am blind to?
  • Do I live under false pretences?

The Tower represents these key ideas:

  • Upheaval
  • Change
  • Eruption
  • Cataclysm
  • Exposure
  • Sudden Shift
  • Blind-sided


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17 The Star


The Star offers a feeling of serenity and guidance. As with people throughout the ages who have looked to the stars for direction, The Star tarot card represents comfort and reassurance. The Star is the ultimate guide towards a higher consciousness.

The card illustrates a feeling of peace in blissful surroundings. Naked within a garden oasis a woman is fully at ease in her surroundings. The female figure within the image is serenely pouring water from two jugs into a river and a pool. The water pouring into the pool represents the present and the water of the river symbolises the future.

As the water is poured it produces a cleansing process which suggests spiritual purification, renewal and assurance. The message is one of rejuvenation. The querent may have recently been through painful experiences but The Star reassures us that things are heading in the right direction and better times are approaching.

The imagery contains blues and greens which suggests creativity, inspiration, aspiration and healing. This is reinforced by the bird which is the symbol of higher plains of thought, body and mind. We see in The Star the promise of better times ahead.

The questions to consider when reading The Star card include:

  • Am I guided by higher sources?
  • Are there ways for me to nurture myself and people close to me?
  • Do I offer peace and harmony to others?
  • Are there ways to add tranquillity to my routine?
  • Do I allow relaxation to enter my life?
  • Are there ways to feel more at ease with my surroundings?

The Star represents these key ideas:

  • Guidance
  • Rejuvenation
  • Hope
  • Cleansing
  • Promise
  • Assurance
  • Ascension
  • Healing


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18 The Moon


The moon has been the source of creative inspiration throughout the history of humanity. The moon influences the tides and reflects the light of the sun onto us like a mirror. The moon represents our dreams, unconscious and our intuition.

The moon has been our guiding light throughout the centuries. No matter what else has changed in our societies and histories, the moon has remained constant offering comfort.

As it shines at its brightest, the moon attracts the wolf and dog to howl at it. These are the conflicting elements of the tame and wild within us. The noise of the world around us can sometimes make it more difficult to see our way down the path towards inner peace.

We also see the crayfish crawl out from the water towards the moonlight. The crayfish is a symbol of our subconscious emerging from our inner depths. When the moon is full it illuminates our path towards higher consciousness. But the moon can also appear as a half or crescent moon which provides a more uncertain light.

The questions to consider when reading The Moon card include:

  • Am I allowing external influences distract me?
  • Should I be trying to clarify my ideals?
  • Is there something distracting me from achieving my goals?
  • Am I straying from the correct path?
  • Are there nagging thoughts which I need to silence?

The Moon represents these key ideas:

  • Cycles
  • Emotion
  • Intensity
  • Reflection
  • Confusion
  • Influence
  • Emergence
  • Perplexity


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19 The Sun


The Sun is the source of all life on Earth. This makes it a symbol of optimism following a period of darkness. The Sun blazes down with vitality and constant energy. The Sun offers health and happiness. It is also the source of growth of our crops and foods.

We have complete confidence in the Sun. We know that it will rise again the following morning even if the night has been full of worry or despair. When the Sun is shining, it illuminates the world and removes the darkness which may be keeping our judgement hidden in shadow.

The Sun symbolises radiance, success and abundance. The positive light of the Sun will give you the energy required to find joy and happiness. With the strength of the Sun, you will attract others towards you as your personality radiates warmth and you are able to look on the bright side.

The Sun represents an inner confidence in your skills and abilities. When the sun is shining life is good. If the Sun card appears in a reading, you have recently overcome a struggle with the shadows or you are on the right path to emerge from the darkness. If things are currently a struggle, then things are about to get better.

The questions to consider when reading The Sun card include:

  • Do I need clarification in some area of my life?
  • Am I letting the highest energy flow into my life?
  • Am I exposing my truest inner beauty?
  • Do I turn towards the illuminated truth or do I hide in the shadows?

The Sun represents these key ideas:

  • Energy
  • Life
  • Illumination
  • Growth
  • Clarity
  • Breaking Through
  • Understanding
  • Vibrancy
  • New Beginnings


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Reading The Tarot Cards: Meanings Of The Major Arcana.

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22 Cards in the Major Arcana.

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20 Judgement


Judgement can usually be seen as the morality assessment of a higher authority over how we live our lives. This may be the judgement of the law or a traditional idea of a judgement from Heaven or a religious dogma.

The Judgement card can represent a person’s need to be judged by the universe or a personal judgement made in life. Judgement requires us to reflect on our selves and evaluate our situation.

Following a period of meditation and self-evaluation, we can understand the themes which run through our lives. From this point, we can make a decision about how to adapt for the future and avoid the mistakes of the past.

We make judgement calls throughout everyday life. These are judgements about our family matters, finances and career choices. The Judgement card offers us a chance to open ourselves up to new possibilities.

We should look at how we approach our own needs and discover ways to achieve our calling in life. There may be some unconscious truth within which needs to be awakened.

The questions to consider when reading the Judgement card include:

  • Is my judgement correct on recent events?
  • Do I understand my higher calling?
  • Am I due transformation in my life?
  • Should I take action to improve my current situation?
  • Am I ignoring my higher self and the higher power?

Judgement represents these key ideas:

  • Faith
  • Honesty
  • Judgment
  • Resurrection
  • Transformation
  • Heeding a Call


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Reading The Tarot Cards: Meanings Of The Major Arcana.

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22 Cards in the Major Arcana.


21 The World


The World represents the fulfilling of your life’s promise. This is the completion of a journey through life where you have achieved your maximum potential and followed your higher self. You may have struggles to get to where you are but you have become wiser and stronger than when you started out.

This is the symbol of accomplishment and fulfilling a major milestone in life. You have worked hard to achieve your current place in the world and deserve to celebrate your success.

The four fixed signs of the zodiac are featured in the illustration as Leo, Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius. When all four of the fixed signs of the zodiac align, this represents a unity and balance in your life. You are now fulfilled and fully formed. You feel a sense of unity with the world and things have moved into place according to your will.

When we see The World card in a tarot reading, we can see that a major project that we have been working on has been fulfilled. If you have been focused on rehabilitation then the outcome is positive and healthy. This offers the promise of success in your life and the rewards to follow.

The questions to consider when reading The World card include:

  • Do I understand my ultimate desire?
  • Is this the time in my life to achieve glory?
  • Am I at the right point in my development to receive my highest achievement?
  • Is my hard work going to soon pay off with a reward?
  • Is the work that I do aiming towards fulfilling my highest potential?

The World represents these key ideas:

  • Fulfillment
  • Achievement
  • Enlightenment
  • Self-Awareness
  • Balance
  • Attainment
  • Illumination
  • Accomplishment


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Reading The Tarot Cards: Meanings Of The Major Arcana.

Select one of the

22 Cards in the Major Arcana.

Further Reading for Meanings of the Major Arcana






Tarot Card Illustrations are all from the Morgan-Greer Tarot Deck.

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